Today as we were members were allowed to go to Longleat from Midday-6:30pm to look around the walking part of the park. It was today that the members got to get a view of the new exhibit Koala Creek.
We started off in Jungle kingdom where we saw the two porcupines out eating lunch so we stopped to have a quick look at them.

After that we were heading to Koala creek but on the way we noticed that the red pandas were out and about which is unusual at this time so we stopped and spent a few minutes with them.

Then we headed to Koala creek where at the entrance to the creek was the two new Giant Otters that they have gotten since we last went to longleat. Both seemed inseparable from each other and would spend 90% of the time together when we saw them while there. What we didn't realise is that they were partners in the past and separated and now back together.

Then we got to where the Koalas live. They have three Females and one Male Koala. The first part we saw was the females outside enclosure and the store room for the food.
The first Koala we saw was Coorong Which is the oldest koala that Longleat has. She was born on the 1st February 2015. Coorong is the most clumsy koala and is named after a large national park in South Australia.

The next koala we saw was little Maize. Maize is one of the youngest female koalas at Longleat. Maize was born on the 3rd January 2016. She is the friendliest koala they have and loves people.

The next Koala we saw was Dennis the male Southern Koala Longleat has. Dennis was born on the 2nd January 2017. He is the most relaxed koala and is food motivated so will do anything to get to the food.

Last but not least we saw Violet the last female koala at Longleat. Violet was born on the 15th January 2016. She will do what she wants when she wants and will let the keepers know when she wants something. She is the Largest female koala.

After seeing all four Koalas we headed to see if we could see the Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombats. Deacon the Male Wombat was born on 20th November 2015 and is the cheekiest of all the animals and is the most destructive of the wombats. Ellie the female Wombat was born on the 5th April 2016. She is the more timid and like her own space and is vocal if Deacon causes trouble.

We then headed back to the Jungle Kingdom to see the Binturong and the Giant anteater again as we had plenty of time to look around the park.

We then headed back to the koalas and wombats as that was the main reason why we went to Longleat.

After spending another hour or so with the Koalas it was time to head back home after an amazing time.