Today Mum and I got the opportunity to go to Wild Place Project in the morning for the members and plaque preview of the new bear wood the day before it opened to the public. We weren’t sure what to expect not seeing many photos of it anywhere we were excited to see what it looked like. We arrived at the car park at 9:50am and joined the queue to get into Wild Place. We headed straight to Bear wood as that was what we really wanted to see as it is new. We walked through the gate which indicated it was to bear wood and followed the path leading to the time machine. There were several signs before the time machine with important information about bear wood.
We then got to the time machine where we watched to video about going back in time to when bears were roaming through our woods. After the time machine we walked through and came across a wide walkway above ground to walk on which was built around the existing trees in the wood so there was no trees cut down in the process of making bear woods. There were sound quizzes for kids on the hand rail part of the way down the walkway before getting to any animals. A bit further along the walkway we stopped at a corner as there was an amazing view of the severn bridges and Wales.

After looking at the view for a short time we headed further down into bear wood and came across our first animal which was the Wolverine which there are two- Female called Alice and a Male called Novo. Alice was asleep on the log and Novo was asleep up a tree in the back enclosure so we had a quick look at those

Went looking for the Lynx which the female Loca was not showing but we had a view of the male Zone’s back by a tree. After looking at Zone we got to the bears which is the ones that we wanted to see the most. They have four bears. They have a female who is one and a half years old called Gemini who you can tell from the others as she is the palest bear out of them. Her brother who is also one and a half years old called Albi is easily identified by being the smallest male bear also having a blonde belt behind his front legs. The two older bears are both two and a half years old. Neo is the biggest bear at the moment and is the darkest and his brother Nilus has white streaks on his shoulders as well as having the large fat on the neck. They were fascinating to watch how they interact with each other and the surroundings. The bears enclosure is 3.5 acres in size so the bears have plenty of room to walk around and the best thing is they have left it all natural so leaving the trees in place and giving the enclosure a natural look like the bears would have once lived in.

After we finished looking at bear wood we headed out and headed home to look at the photos of the bears.
We Would highly recommend a visit to bear wood.