When we came down to Poole we knew there were some foxes around so decided to go out on the first night around 7pm and sure enough the foxes were out at that time. Every night since then I have been going out with different lenses getting photos of them. Bramble is the adult vixen (female) which I've seen around at least for three years possibly longer and has reared several cubs when we have seen her.

This year Bramble has brought up two maybe three beautiful cubs two of which are males. It has been amazing to watch them grow up from being little cubs to becoming lovely adults.

People always say how can you tell the foxes apart from each other which yes I do struggle with the cubs as they look very similar to each other but I can always tell Bramble from the other foxes due to the grey fur by her right eye. One of the cubs has still got the fluffy face and is slightly smaller than the other cubs which is why I can tell him from the others. The cubs do not have any names at the moment but will be thinking of names that would suit them.

The photo above is of the older male cub which was the first cub to come out from the bush to see what we were and was happy to pose for the camera. It amazes me at how tame the foxes are down here but still wary and the same time where if there was a sudden movement they would get a bit skittish.

The photos above are all from the first night of photographing the foxes and I was using my Nikon D500 with my 300mm Nikon prime lens with a 1.7x converter on (at times they were too close so had to go backwards).

The photos above are from the second night where I used my Nikon D500 with my Nikon 200-500mm lens.

The photos above were a couple of nights ago when I was using the Nikon D500 with Nikon 300mm prime with no converter this time.

These photo are from last night using my D500 and 70-200mm lens.
I will go be going out again tonight :D